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soc:2009:dverkamp:journal:week4 [2009/06/16 16:13]
soc:2009:dverkamp:journal:week4 [2009/06/18 16:19] (current)
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 Using fdisk, I made the partition on the disk image used by the iSCSI target active/​bootable. ​ This allowed the boot to proceed, but then I get the error message "​BOOTMGR is missing/​Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart"​. Using fdisk, I made the partition on the disk image used by the iSCSI target active/​bootable. ​ This allowed the boot to proceed, but then I get the error message "​BOOTMGR is missing/​Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart"​.
 +==== Wednesday, June 17 ====
 +Restarted Win7 iSCSI install test to be sure the environment was consistent. ​ Erased MBR on physical disk on test machine (''​dd if=/​dev/​zero of=/dev/hda bs=512 count=1''​),​ deleted iSCSI disk and created a new one (20 GB this time to be sure space requirements would be met), and started from scratch.
 +The same results as before were observed: Windows would not install on the iSCSI disk without the physical disk connected, and it installed the bootloader on the physical disk, not the iSCSI target. ​ The physical disk contains bootmgr and the related infrastructure. ​ The iSCSI partition was also not marked active.
 +I also attempted to perform the procedure in QEMU, but the Windows 7 installer got stuck for over an hour on the stage before disk selection, so it could not be tested.
 +==== Thursday, June 18 ====
 +Installed Win7 on a physical hard disk in the test machine and transferred it to the iSCSI target, ran sanbootconf,​ then attempted to boot it from there. ​ This booted farther than the iSCSI-installed version (it actually had a proper bootloader installed), but it did not boot completely, possibly due to a missing NIC driver.

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