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soc:2009:dverkamp:journal:week3 [2009/06/12 13:46]
soc:2009:dverkamp:journal:week3 [2009/06/12 14:25] (current)
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 This allows the mkbootfs ''​make''​ to complete; now I have several .bp files, but I am not yet sure how to use them. They seem to be gzip-compressed CPIO archives; presumably they should be loaded as Linux initramfs. This allows the mkbootfs ''​make''​ to complete; now I have several .bp files, but I am not yet sure how to use them. They seem to be gzip-compressed CPIO archives; presumably they should be loaded as Linux initramfs.
 +Booted a generic Linux kernel with all of the .bp files as initrds; this seems to be working, although the root of the filesystem has strange directories like {usr and {var.

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