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soc:2009:dverkamp:journal:week2 [2009/06/03 11:37]
soc:2009:dverkamp:journal:week2 [2009/06/05 09:05] (current)
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 ==== Wednesday, June 3 ==== ==== Wednesday, June 3 ====
 +=== Linux serial console ===
 Experimenting with Linux serial console for testing purposes; in conjunction with qemu's -serial stdio and -nographic, this should allow easy automated testing of Linux kernel booting. Experimenting with Linux serial console for testing purposes; in conjunction with qemu's -serial stdio and -nographic, this should allow easy automated testing of Linux kernel booting.
Line 20: Line 22:
   console=ttyS0,​115200   console=ttyS0,​115200
 +=== mkbootfs ===
 +Building a basic Linux environment with [[http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=people/​mcb30/​mkbootfs.git|mkbootfs]];​ need to install uClibc first, so I am setting up a toolchain with [[http://​buildroot.uclibc.org/​|Buildroot]].
 +==== Thursday, June 4 ====
 +More uClibc build wrangling; the toolchain was missing pieces (cc1, at least), so I rebuilt it, but now it seems to be dynamically linked against uClibc, which is not available on the host.  Following directions at http://​buildroot.uclibc.org/​buildroot.html but the instructions are not completely clear when it comes to building only a toolchain usable on the host.
 +==== Friday, June 5 ====
 +Made some progress with mkrootfs build; found the proper uClibc tools in buildroot'​s build_i686/​staging_dir/​usr/​bin directory, but named as i686-linux-*,​ so now my uclibc wrapper script looks like this:
 +  #!/bin/sh
 +  export PATH=~/​src/​buildroot/​buildroot-2009.05/​build_i686/​staging_dir/​usr/​bin:​$PATH
 +  export CROSS_COMPILE=i686-linux-
 +  $@
 +Now I am hitting a problem with uClibc configuration (need large file support, which wasn't enabled in my build), so I must rebuild uClibc, but things are looking better.
 +Had IRC meeting with mcb30, mdc, and AndyTim - set goals for week 3 (write up and execute 4 test cases).
 +More progress on mkbootfs: after rebuilding with large file support, compilation gets farther, but now breaks with "You need to build uClibc with UCLIBC_HAS_RPC for NFS support."​ - rebuilding uClibc again.

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