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soc:2009:asdlkf:journal:week7 [2009/07/11 18:56]
soc:2009:asdlkf:journal:week7 [2009/07/12 11:21] (current)
Line 17: Line 17:
 July 11: Meeting with mentors. Informed that I need to make some "major progress"​ by monday, or be failed. July 11: Meeting with mentors. Informed that I need to make some "major progress"​ by monday, or be failed.
-July 12: + 
 Re-wrote probe section of skge.outline Re-wrote probe section of skge.outline
 Moved the software reset section of skge_initialize into a new function and called it in probe instead. (skge_hardware_reset) Moved the software reset section of skge_initialize into a new function and called it in probe instead. (skge_hardware_reset)
Line 51: Line 51:
- setup_tx_resources + Setup RX Resources 
- skge_ring_alloc +        skge_ring_alloc 
- skge_tx_fill +        ​skge_rx_fill 
- setup_rx_resources +              ​populate_rx_descriptor 
- skge_ring_alloc +  Setup TX Resources 
- refill_rx_ring +        skge_ring_alloc 
- populate_rx_descriptor +        ​skge_tx_fill 
- start_clocks +  ​skge_start_clocks 
- software_reset_device+         software_reset_device
Line 248: Line 248:
 Plan for tomorrow: Plan for tomorrow:
 <​code>​ <​code>​
-<​code>​Re-outline ​exisintg ​skge_open in much more detail +/Re-outline ​existing ​skge_open in much more detail 
-Compare above outline with the intended structure for skge_open +|Compare above outline with the intended structure for skge_open 
-Separate tx and rx memory sections; perform two malloc_dma'​s instead of one; +|Separate tx and rx memory sections; perform two malloc_dma'​s instead of one; 
-Each tx and rx section of open should be completely separate +\Each tx and rx section of open should be completely separate 
 Re-write skge_open (and all it's child functions)in it's new form and outline Re-write skge_open (and all it's child functions)in it's new form and outline
 Specificly: Specificly:

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