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soc:2009:asdlkf:journal:week3 [2009/06/07 14:56]
asdlkf created
soc:2009:asdlkf:journal:week3 [2009/06/16 21:21] (current)
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      - "​D-Link System Inc DGE-530T Gigabit Ethernet Adapter (rev 11) (rev 11)"      - "​D-Link System Inc DGE-530T Gigabit Ethernet Adapter (rev 11) (rev 11)"
 +- After several hours of '​putski-ing'​ around, I began speaking with Marty again. after about 45 minutes, the two of us were unable to determine why building with DEBUG=pci,​skge was not enabling debugging.
 +June 8: Around 1:00 pm, i received a call from Marty that he had had Michael figure out what was causing the lack of debugging messages; I pci.c was not being included in the built library because none of its functions were being invoked. ​
 +- Added a call to adjust_pci_device() to cause make to actually insert debugging messages; and i was off to the races.
 +- Copied the assignment line of adapter->​regs from mdeck'​s code (the 0x4000 offset line).
 +- inserted debug messages to verify my register addresses were correct
 +- Read the mac address from my dhcp server logs: 00:​01:​6c:​d0:​16:​87
 +- Read the mac address from my skeleton driver : 00:​21:​91:​91:​10:​6d
 +... ... concluded I had read the wrong addresses.
 +Spent about 30 minutes chasing my tail.
 +- Remembered that the nic that was booting and pulling the pxe image from the dhcp/tftp server was NOT the DGE-530T...
 +- Realized i was correctly pulling the mac address already...
 +-June 9
 +-  Performed nothing "​productive",​ but lots of usefull playing. Accessed various registers. Broke my screen a few times by dumping raw register data to the screen as char. 
 +-  Learned how to perform a software reset of the device; got familiar with several important register locations:
 +0x0100-0x0105:​ mac address
 +0x0118: configuration bits
 +0x011b: chip information
 +- I'm not entirely sure what of these are important or what to continue with. More tomorrow
 +June 10
 +I wasn't really sure where to go today; so I ended up playing with IO. 
 +Sample output:
 +gPXE initialising devices...
 +June 14: almost finished probe()- about 70% done
 +- loaded the rest of the PCI_ROM statements
 +- moved skge_adapter to skge.h (from skge.c)
 +- converted: yukon_reset,​ genesis_reset,​ genesis_init,​ gm_phy_write
 +- wrote: skge_enable_test_mode
 +- all instances of writeb, writew, writel, and writeq'​s calling statements were corrected
 +- Moved most DBG statements to use DBG2 instead of DBG (such as mac address and other "just checking if this is working"​ DBG statements)
 +- removed some unnessary statements and added constants to replace them
 + - (such as X = a & b & c & d & e ===> X= <​pre-combined magic constant>​)
 +- Completed: skge_initialize
 +- In progress: probe()
 + - todo in probe():
 + - skge_devinit()
 + - register_netdev()
 + - request_irq()
 + - skge_show_addr()
 + - pci_set_drvdata()
 +-- Chris 

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