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soc:2009:asdlkf:journal:week1 [2009/05/17 07:53] external edit
soc:2009:asdlkf:journal:week1 [2009/06/05 19:04] (current)
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 ===== Journal Week 1 ===== ===== Journal Week 1 =====
 +Prior to week 1: Before week one began, I constructed a basic environment for the development to take place over the following weeks. This entailed:
 +- Existing components on one box were consolodated into another box (approx 2 hours)
 +- System was format-reinstalled with ubuntu. This system is to be the host '​booting'​ server and where I will be developing code. I also prepared a local git repository, configured port forwarding for SSH and created user accounts for myself. (approx 4 hours).
 +- Once everything was electronicly ready, I chopped the head off of this box and put it back into my server rack and connected it back into my kvm. ([[Picture to be included)]]
 +May 25
 +Today I began by searching for information specific to the DGE-530T'​s implementation. I will be spending most of this week and the first three days of next week simply gathering information and hopefully finding out all I will need to know about the operation and functionality of this device. ​
 +Findings to be posted in the notes section.
 +May 26, May 27, May 28 Not much completed unfortunately... Off to a very slow start.
 +May 29, 30. More progress, I have located minimal additional information. ​

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