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soc:2008:stefanha:notes:start [2008/05/26 13:09]
soc:2008:stefanha:notes:start [2008/06/05 05:57] (current)
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   * Linux [[http://​kgdb.linsyssoft.com/​|kgdb]] [[http://​kgdb.cvs.sourceforge.net/​kgdb/​kgdb-2/​eth.patch?​revision=1.60&​view=markup|over Ethernet]] using the [[http://​www.selenic.com/​netpoll/​|Netpoll API]].   * Linux [[http://​kgdb.linsyssoft.com/​|kgdb]] [[http://​kgdb.cvs.sourceforge.net/​kgdb/​kgdb-2/​eth.patch?​revision=1.60&​view=markup|over Ethernet]] using the [[http://​www.selenic.com/​netpoll/​|Netpoll API]].
- +  * FreeBSD [[http://​www.freebsd.org/​cgi/​cvsweb.cgi/src/sys/gdb/|GDB stub]].
-=== QEMU memory dumps === +
-The QEMU monitor (''​CTRL+ALT+2''​) supports debug commands to inspect registers and memory ​Unfortunately,​ QEMU only honors paged virtual memory Since gPXE sets up a virtual memory segment with a non-zero base address, all virtual addresses need to be adjusted before using them to inspect memory in QEMU. +
- +
-The virtual memory offset is available inside gPXE as ''​virt_offset''​ (see ''​arch/i386/transitions/librm.S''​). ​ It can be printed out by placing a ''​printf''​ call in ''​core/main.c''​. +
- +
-When dumping memory, remember to add the value of ''​virt_offset''​ to any virtual memory addresses. ​ QEMU is effectively using physical memory only.+

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