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soc:2008:stefanha:journal:week9 [2008/07/25 08:29]
soc:2008:stefanha:journal:week9 [2008/07/30 07:46] (current)
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 **DMA mapping work continues**. ​ I'm reworking things from all sides hmalloc, dma_mapping,​ and b44.  Hopefully it will converge soon :-). **DMA mapping work continues**. ​ I'm reworking things from all sides hmalloc, dma_mapping,​ and b44.  Hopefully it will converge soon :-).
-Next steps: +==== Sun 27 Jul ==== 
-  [GDB] Add sample GDB session ​to wiki and explain commands +**The Roundup issue tracker** is close to ready. ​ Mdc and I have spent some time setting up the [[http://​roundup.sf.net/​|Roundup ​issue tracker]] to improve our grasp on patches and bugs
-  [Roundup] ​Set up email interface + 
-  * [DMADMA pool API so drivers can reserve DMA buffers ​on ''​open()''​+Currently we suffer the problem that patches are easily forgotten on the mailing list if the developers are busy.  ​An issue tracker provides a better overview of outstanding patches that need to be reviewed. 
-  * [b44] Cleanup, testing, performance. + 
-  * [shutdown] Remove gPXE allocated memory and free up PXE+UNDI, ​if necessary. +Bug reports are also streamlined by the new system This will be especially useful in the coming months as Etherboot.org becomes more visible and new users try it
-  * [bzImage] Expand the heap size to the full 64K segment when loading a bzImage kernel with version 2.02 or higher+ 
-  ​* ​[GDBReal-mode remote debugging.+===== Next week ===== 
 +On to [[.:​week10|Week 10]].

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