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soc:2008:stefanha:journal:week7 [2008/07/09 08:06]
soc:2008:stefanha:journal:week7 [2008/07/22 12:26] (current)
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 ====== Stefan Hajnoczi: GDB Remote Debugging ====== ====== Stefan Hajnoczi: GDB Remote Debugging ======
-===== Week =====+===== Week =====
 **Milestones:​** **Milestones:​**
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 For some reason my test machine hangs instead of booting the next image. ​ I tried a dummy NBP with an instruction to set the return type and an ''​lret''​. ​ Perhaps my BIOS/PXE (Insyde + Intel BC + Broadcom UNDI) is buggy. For some reason my test machine hangs instead of booting the next image. ​ I tried a dummy NBP with an instruction to set the return type and an ''​lret''​. ​ Perhaps my BIOS/PXE (Insyde + Intel BC + Broadcom UNDI) is buggy.
-Next steps+==== Fri Jul 11 ==== 
-  * [b44] Performance testing. +Git commit
-  * [b44Cleanup & testing. +  * [[http://git.etherboot.org/?​p=people/​stefanha/​gpxe.git;​a=commit;​h=3b375c3bfc0bf746bd43af55f63e2c69146b82d4|[prefix] Do int 18h if return stack is damaged]
-  ​* [bzImage] Expand ​the heap size to the full 64K segment when loading ​bzImage kernel with version 2.02 or higher+ 
-  ​* ​[GDBReal-mode remote debugging.+Just had a productive meeting with mdc and mcb30. ​ I am still learning new things about gPXE and the world it lives in every week. 
 +The b44 driver itself has been sitting still for a few weeks. ​ The reason for this is that it requires changes ​to gPXE's memory management. ​ Getting ​the driver working has turned into journey through DMA mapping, gPXE's memory allocators (''​malloc''​ and ''​umalloc''​),​ hidden memory regions, and into the E820 memory map mangler. 
 +Today'​s meeting has brought me one step closer to what our memory management needs to look like in order to support devices with addressing limitations,​ like the BCM4401 NIC
 +===== Next week ===== 
 +On to [[.:​week8|Week 8]].

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