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soc:2008:stefanha:journal:week5 [2008/06/26 08:42]
soc:2008:stefanha:journal:week5 [2008/06/30 10:03] (current)
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 **Currently investigating a solution to the b44 1 GB memory limitation**. ​ Will also continue simplifying the driver. ​ While testing, dmb mentioned it downloaded images slowly so I may work on the performance. ​ I did not port the performance optimizations in the Linux driver, so there is plenty of low-hanging fruit. **Currently investigating a solution to the b44 1 GB memory limitation**. ​ Will also continue simplifying the driver. ​ While testing, dmb mentioned it downloaded images slowly so I may work on the performance. ​ I did not port the performance optimizations in the Linux driver, so there is plenty of low-hanging fruit.
-==== Thur Jun 26 ====+==== Fri Jun 27 ==== 
 +**Linux DMA mapping as a solution to driver memory constraints**. ​ The b44 driver can only access the first gigabyte of memory. ​ When I asked how to work around this limitation, mcb30 suggest looking at Linux ''​pci_map_single()''​. ​ I am going to implement something similar to manage bounce buffers for devices that cannot access gPXE's heap.
-Next steps+==== Sat Jun 28 ==== 
-  * [b44] 1 GB memory limitation. +Git commit
-  * [b44] Performance. +  * [[http://git.etherboot.org/?​p=people/​stefanha/​gpxe.git;​a=commit;​h=3c923c79098190c12b686965d8bd48e1cedecd4d|[b44] DMA mapping for device address limitations]] 
-  * [b44] Cleanup & testing. +  * [[http://git.etherboot.org/?​p=people/​stefanha/​gpxe.git;​a=commit;​h=87455683845a6694fdc89cf986caa50571be8ef0|[b44Fix DMA mapping]
-  * [GDB] Update [[:​dev:​gdbstub|GDB stub page]] and screencast when UDP code is merged into mainline. ​ See [[http://grub.enbug.org/DebuggingWithGDB|GRUB GDB wiki page]] for inspiration+ 
-  * [GDB] Real-mode remote debugging.+**Working on DMA mapping**. ​ I have designed and implemented DMA mapping ​for gPXE, see commits above. ​ The b44 driver uses DMA mapping to work around the chip addressing limitations. ​ I am currently writing tests. 
 +I am not done with the code but wanted to commit instead of keeping this out of tree.  Before submitting the code for review I will break it up into several patches: 
 +  * **uhmalloc**,​ general-purpose external memory allocator ​Separates the ''​umalloc''​ heap from its memory allocator (which I call ''​uhmalloc''​). ​ The idea is that DMA mapping reuses ''​uhmalloc''​ to manage its DMA heap. 
 +  * **DMA mapping** for transparently managing bounce buffers when needed by hardware. ​ The DMA mapping API provides a way to structure DMA transactions. ​ If the hardware has addressing limitations and is unable to access gPXE's heap, bounce buffers are used to communicate via regions of memory that the device has access to. 
 +  * **b44 with DMA mapping**. ​ Update b44 code using DMA mapping API so it runs on machines with more than 1 GB of RAM.  This reverses the hack to place the gPXE heap at 4 MB into the physical address space. 
 +===== Next week ===== 
 +On to [[.:​week6|Week 6]]!

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