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soc:2008:stefanha:journal:week3 [2008/06/13 09:11]
soc:2008:stefanha:journal:week3 [2008/06/16 04:11] (current)
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 Making the merge happen is my immediate goal.  An interesting opportunity for another iteration of development is 16-bit real mode debugging. ​ If GDB can hold up to the pressures of real mode, then I will implement stub support. Making the merge happen is my immediate goal.  An interesting opportunity for another iteration of development is 16-bit real mode debugging. ​ If GDB can hold up to the pressures of real mode, then I will implement stub support.
-Next steps: +===== Next week ===== 
-  * Choose and document a simple way to manually call into the debugger. +On to [[.:week4|week 4]].
-  * Improve flow control so that GDB does not print warnings. +
-  * Update ​[[:​dev:​gdbstub|GDB stub page]] and screencast when UDP code is merged into mainline See [[http://​grub.enbug.org/​DebuggingWithGDB|GRUB GDB wiki page]] for inspiration. +
-  * See if GDB supports 16-bit code, and try out real-mode debugging.+

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