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soc:2008:stefanha:journal:week3 [2008/06/11 04:21]
soc:2008:stefanha:journal:week3 [2008/06/16 04:11] (current)
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 It was fun to run the test suite against a real machine with a VIA Rhine II NIC booting gPXE from USB.  I am interested in feedback about the code.  I'm eager to see what reactions it raises and how I can improve it. It was fun to run the test suite against a real machine with a VIA Rhine II NIC booting gPXE from USB.  I am interested in feedback about the code.  I'm eager to see what reactions it raises and how I can improve it.
-**In the meantime, hardware watchpoint support will keep me busy**.  ​Off to read the Intel documentation ​and see how watchpoints fit into the GDB protocol...+**In the meantime, hardware watchpoint support will keep me busy**.  ​I got off to a slow start because remote watchpoints are broken in GDB 6.7.1 - 6.8 (at least). ​ Figuring out the bug and how to fix it took a while. ​ I also asked on ''#​gdb''​ and later found out that the bug is fixed in CVS head ​Anyway,​ this means watchpoints will only work if you run GDB post-6.8.
-Next steps+The watchpoint commands are now implemented. ​ The x86 architecture has support for 4 hardware breakpoints. ​ These can either be normal breakpoints or watchpoints. ​ The GDB stub implementation does not support hardware breakpoints in order to keep things simple. ​ I am holding off on a full-blown breakpoint implementation since that may involve implementing memory breakpoints too. 
-  * Implement ​hardware watchpoint support ​using debug registers. + 
-  * NULL pointer ​bug guard using watchpoint ​support+Currently GDB manages memory breakpoints and the GDB stub is unaware of them.  The original GDB stub code with serial-only support was very minimal. ​ I like concise code.  When I added UDP, the code needed to be refactored into more parts. ​ Watchpoints,​ again, add new functionality. ​ Hopefully we are close to feature-complete,​ because the GDB stub shouldn'​t turn into a subsystem of its own. 
-  * Use screen captures on [[:dev:gdbstub|GDB stub page]].+ 
 +I am going to write tests and polish the code tonight with a commit coming tomorrow. 
 +==== Thu Jun 12 ==== 
 +Git commits
 +  * [[http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=people/​stefanha/​gpxe.git;​a=commit;​h=5a1db5bd3c8310f9797add6e75383b00dc9d2d15|[Drivers-via-rhine] read/write instead of in/out]] 
 +  * [[http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=people/​stefanha/​gpxe.git;​a=commit;​h=bbcd45d10048c95e009c5b5c69c5d93cd74f3cc6|[GDB] Add watch and rwatch ​hardware ​watchpoints]] 
 +Michael Decker formats commits nicely in [[:​soc:​2008:​mdeck:​journal:​week3|his journal]] so I'm copying him :-). 
 +**Watchpoints now work in GDB**. ​ The ''​watch <​memory-location>''​ command sets a write watchpoint.  The watchpoint fires when the given memory location is written. ​ Similarly, the ''​awatch <​memory-location>''​ command sets a read/write watchpoint and fires when the memory location is read or written. 
 +Watchpoints are orthogonal to breakpoints,​ they give you another dimension of trapping events during debugging. ​ They are an excellent tool for tracking down variable accesses or memory corruption. ​ Without watchpoints,​ you'd have to add ''​printf()''​ calls or periodically break into the debugger to check if memory has changed. ​ And that's no fun. 
 +Why are ''​watch''​ and ''​awatch''​ supported but not ''​rwatch''? ​ The answer has to do with how watchpoints are implemented,​ so let's take a look... 
 +The x86 has hardware debugging ​support ​that you can access via the debug registers, ''​dr0''​ through ''​dr7''​. ​ The control register, ''​dr7'',​ lets you enable up to four hardware breakpoints. ​ Hardware breakpoints can be normal execution breakpoints,​ write watchpoints,​ read/write watchpoints,​ or port I/O watchpoints. ​ The x86 does not support pure read watchpoints
 +The GDB stub watchpoint code is almost capable of doing normal execution breakpoints. ​ However, there is some extra behavior necessary involving setting the Resume Flag (RF) to avoid repeatedly breaking on the same instruction without advancing EIP.  I don't see a need for normal execution breakpoints versus GDB's software breakpoints. 
 +Implementing the debug register code required me to rewire the way the GDB stub receives control on interrupt. ​ Previously the interrupt handler would call the portable GDB stub directly. ​ Now it calls an architecture-specific handler, which calls the portable GDB stub code after it has configured the debug registers. 
 +**Used watchpoints to find and fix a bug in the Via Rhine driver**. ​ Last week I tracked down a memory corruption where 0x00000000 and 0x00000004 were being written to.  At the time I wished I had watchpoints so I added them to the TODO list. 
 +The first thing I did once watchpoints were implemented is ''​awatch _entry'',​ where ''​_entry''​ is the symbol at 0x00000000. ​ This will detect ​NULL pointer ​reads/​writes. ​ To my surprise the watchpoint ​immediately fired! 
 +The backtrace showed that ''​rhine_poll()''​ was trying to read from 0x00000000 It turned out that the driver was using ''​readb()''/''​writeb()''​ in a few places whereas it should be using ''​inb()''/''​outb()''​. ​ The ''​readb()''/''​writeb()''​ functions do memory I/O while the ''​inb()''/''​outb()''​ functions do port I/O. 
 +Implementing watchpoints has paid off ;-)! 
 +==== Fri Jun 13 ==== 
 +Git commits: 
 +  * [[http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=people/​stefanha/​gpxe.git;​a=commit;​h=8ec13694a44779156d679af99a104aeb3bbfdb53|[GDB] Zero-extend 16-bit segment registers]] 
 +  * [[http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=people/​stefanha/​gpxe.git;​a=commit;​h=03d22bf5e31348e3f3ede48500c981761f367651|[GDB] UDP clean up and add netdev refcnt]] 
 +**Segment registers sometimes contained junk values**. ​ The test suite reported that the ''​DS''​ segment register had the wrong value when running on real hardware. ​ Most of my past development and testing has been in QEMU. 
 +Upon closer inspection the lower 16 bits of ''​DS''​ were correct. ​ On older processors, the upper 16 bits are undefined whereas they are guaranteed to be zero on newer processors. ​ gPXE runs correctly since only the lower 16 bits of segment selectors are used by the CPU. 
 +Although it is technically okay for the upper 16 bits to be undefined, I think it is nicer if we zero-extend segment registers when reporting their values to GDB.  This makes it easier to write test cases and is less confusing for users. 
 +**Weekly meeting with mdc and mcb30**. ​ Things are looking good for cleaning up and merging the second round of GDB stub work: 
 +  * Remote debugging over UDP 
 +  * Watchpoints 
 +  * Atomic read/write for device memory 
 +  * Continue on detach/kill from GDB 
 +Making the merge happen is my immediate goal.  An interesting opportunity for another iteration of development is 16-bit real mode debugging. ​ If GDB can hold up to the pressures of real mode, then I will implement stub support. 
 +===== Next week ===== 
 +On to [[.:​week4|week 4]].

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