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soc:2008:start [2008/06/13 14:35]
soc:2008:start [2008/12/08 18:53] (current)
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-{{:​soc:​2008:​mcb30.png |Marty Connor}} +{{:​soc:​2008:​mcb30.png |Michael Brown}} 
 Michael Brown is the lead developer of the Etherboot Project (http://​etherboot.org/​) and is responsible for its evolution into gPXE, the current state of the art in network booting. He owns an open-source consultancy business, Fen Systems Ltd., and spends most of his time working on improvements to gPXE for customers across the world. He lives in Cambridge, England, and occasionally wonders what it would be like to have more than 64 kilobytes to play with. Michael Brown is the lead developer of the Etherboot Project (http://​etherboot.org/​) and is responsible for its evolution into gPXE, the current state of the art in network booting. He owns an open-source consultancy business, Fen Systems Ltd., and spends most of his time working on improvements to gPXE for customers across the world. He lives in Cambridge, England, and occasionally wonders what it would be like to have more than 64 kilobytes to play with.
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