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soc:2008:mdeck:journal:weekb [2008/08/09 15:24]
soc:2008:mdeck:journal:weekb [2008/08/10 10:05] (current)
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 Next on my agenda is to test the code and perform debugging. ​ I also will go through the debug statements and adjust their statement levels as necessary. Next on my agenda is to test the code and perform debugging. ​ I also will go through the debug statements and adjust their statement levels as necessary.
 +=== 10 August ===
 +After testing, I found the ''​ioaddr''​ PCI acquisition code needed adjustment. ​ I also removed a stats interrupt disable notification,​ since stats will always fill up with the driver not clearing them.
 +  * [[http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=people/​mdeck/​gpxe.git;​a=commit;​h=6aea3d39cf5e9cbac9dabcff64c790ba52942bd8|[Drivers-3c59x] Fixed ioaddr acquisition code, removed stats notification]]
 +I ran ''​scandisk''​ a few times in DOS via AoE without any noticable network errors. ​ The surface scan progress did appear ever-so-slightly jittery, so I wonder how things will turn out under more careful testing conditions.
 +Until more thorough testing is performed, I will leave the original driver code commented out, and will refrain from cleaning up the code.  This should enhance the debuggability (I don't think that's a word) and simplify touching up the driver.
 +I currently don't see any problems with the driver.

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