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soc:2008:mdeck:journal:week7 [2008/07/11 07:12]
mdeck added commit link
soc:2008:mdeck:journal:week7 [2008/07/13 12:23] (current)
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 </​file>​ </​file>​
 This ensures the suspend bit isn't cleared except in the ''​ifec_tx_wake()''​ routine. ​ This line was redundant. This ensures the suspend bit isn't cleared except in the ''​ifec_tx_wake()''​ routine. ​ This line was redundant.
 +=== 13 July ===
 +In lieu of having iSCSI packet captures to look at, I decided to try booting over AoE.  This involves sufficient driver activity that I hope to locate a bug via it.
 +Booting a Windows image over AoE got stuck at the Windows splash screen. ​ I then tried booting this image using Safe Mode.  Every .sys driver loads until it gets to aoe32.sys. ​ The system freezes at this line.  I don't know enough about the AoE driver to determine what could be causing this.
 +I then compiled and attempted the same AoE boot using the legacy eepro100 driver. ​ The boot sequence was exactly the same, with the machine freezing once loading aoe32.sys. ​ I'll need to get a working AoE image to test this properly.

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