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soc:2008:mdeck:journal:week7 [2008/07/10 11:22]
soc:2008:mdeck:journal:week7 [2008/07/13 12:23] (current)
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 Thus, I now have nailed down at least //one// bug, and now I can determine what's going wrong. Thus, I now have nailed down at least //one// bug, and now I can determine what's going wrong.
 +  * [[http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=people/​mdeck/​gpxe.git;​a=commit;​h=9f561a19282078cc0346487d2a2b34060e1a3f62|[Drivers-eepro100] Bug fixes]]
 +The end of ''​ifec_tx_wake()''​ performs different operations depending if the state of the CU is active or suspended. ​ After some consideration,​ it seems if the CU is active, a RESUME should still be issued - this will cause the CU to re-read the current TCB's S-bit. ​ Thus, after clearing that bit, the CU will continue on and process this newly appended transmit command.
 +Otherwise, if the card was active before the tx, then it would suspend before processing the new TCB.  This means the card is suspended at a TCB prior to the ''​tcb_head''​. ​ This could happen multiple times, moving the actual TCB suspended closer to ''​tcb_tail''​. ​ I think eventually tail would surpass the suspended TCB, and the head may write into the next TCB which is transmitted at the next ''​ifec_net_transmit()''​. ​ This is speculation,​ as there may be some other way this corruption was occurring.
 +The bottom of ''​ifec_tx_wake()''​ was changed as such:
 + /* Resume if suspended. */
 + switch ( ( inw ( ioaddr + SCBStatus ) >> 6 ) & 0x3 ) {
 + case 0:  /* Idle - We should not reach this state. */
 + DBG ( "​\nifec_net_transmit:​ tx idle!\n"​ );
 + ifec_scb_cmd ( netdev, virt_to_bus ( tcb ), CUStart );
 + ifec_scb_cmd_wait ( netdev );
 + return;
 + case 1:  /* Suspended */
 + DBG ( "​s"​ );
 + break;
 + default: /* Active */
 + DBG ( "​a"​ );
 + }
 + ifec_scb_cmd_wait ( netdev );
 + outl ( 0, ioaddr + SCBPointer );
 + a->​tcb_head->​command &= ~CmdSuspend;​
 + /* Immediately issue Resume command */
 + outb ( CUResume, ioaddr + SCBCmd );
 + ifec_scb_cmd_wait ( netdev );
 +As you can see, the RESUME is issued even if the card is active.
 +Additionally,​ I removed a line from ''​ifec_tx_process()'':​
 +static void ifec_tx_process ( struct net_device *netdev ) {
 + struct ifec_private *priv   = netdev->​priv;​
 + struct ifec_tcb ​    ​*tcb ​   = priv->​active->​tcb_tail;​
 + s16           ​status;​
 + /* Check status of transmitted packets */
 + while ( ( status = tcb->​status ) && tcb->iob ) {
 + if ( status & TCB_U ) {
 + DBG ( "​ifec_tx_process : tx error!\n " );
 + netdev_tx_complete_err ( netdev, tcb->​iob,​ -ENOMEM );
 + } else {
 + netdev_tx_complete ( netdev, tcb->iob );
 + }
 + DBGIO ( "tx completion\n"​ );
 + tcb->​iob = NULL;
 + tcb->​status = 0;
 +//​ tcb->​command &= ~CmdSuspend;​ /​* Allow controller to resume. */
 + priv->​active->​tcb_tail = tcb->​next;​ /​* Next TCB */
 + tcb = tcb->​next;​
 + }
 +This ensures the suspend bit isn't cleared except in the ''​ifec_tx_wake()''​ routine. ​ This line was redundant.
 +=== 13 July ===
 +In lieu of having iSCSI packet captures to look at, I decided to try booting over AoE.  This involves sufficient driver activity that I hope to locate a bug via it.
 +Booting a Windows image over AoE got stuck at the Windows splash screen. ​ I then tried booting this image using Safe Mode.  Every .sys driver loads until it gets to aoe32.sys. ​ The system freezes at this line.  I don't know enough about the AoE driver to determine what could be causing this.
 +I then compiled and attempted the same AoE boot using the legacy eepro100 driver. ​ The boot sequence was exactly the same, with the machine freezing once loading aoe32.sys. ​ I'll need to get a working AoE image to test this properly.

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