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soc:2008:mdeck:journal:week3 [2008/06/12 13:35]
soc:2008:mdeck:journal:week3 [2008/06/15 14:00] (current)
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 Things are starting to pick up now with a live, breathing driver to play with! :-D Things are starting to pick up now with a live, breathing driver to play with! :-D
 +=== 14 June ===
 +I spent some time today reading up on **how to transition to dynamic allocation for the tx & rx descriptors**. ​ I started with the Intel datasheet, wherein I recalled some mention of simple and flexible memory modes, which allow separation of the data buffer from the descriptor.
 +From the beginning of Chapter 6:
 +<​file>​Note:​ Although references are made to both simplified and flexible memory modes for transmit and
 +receive commands, only the simplified mode is supported. All bit settings and silicon
 +configurations only refer to the simplified memory mode.</​file>​
 +So, is flexible memory mode supported or not?
 +Section details the RFD (receive frame descriptor) format. ​ The SF bit:
 +<​file>​SF (Bit 19) The SF bit equals 0 for simplified mode.</​file>​
 +So then, does setting this =1 support flexible mode?
 +Then I found this blurb on the H bit:
 +<​file>​H (Bit 20) The H bit indicates if the current RFD is a header RFD. If it equals 1, the current RFD is
 +a header RFD, and if it is 0, it is not a header RFD.
 +NOTE: If a load HDS command was not previously issued, the device disregards this
 +It appears, if you request 'early interrupts',​ an interrupt occurs when the header portion of an Ethernet packet is received. ​ This early data goes into a header RFD.
 +The load HDS command:
 +<​file>​101 Load Header Data Size (HDS). After a load HDS command is issued, the
 +device expects to only find header RFDs or to be used in Receive DMA mode
 +until it is reset. This value defines the size of the header portion of the RFDs or
 +receive buffers. The HDS value is defined by the lower 14 bits of the SCB
 +General Pointer; thus, bits 15 through 31 should always be set to zeros when
 +using this command. The value of HDS should be an even non-zero number</​file>​
 +So now, what is '​Receive DMA mode'?
 +I found a mention of it:
 +<​file>​011 Receive DMA Redirect. This command is only valid for the 82558 and later
 +devices. The buffers are indicated by an RBD chain, which is pointed to by an
 +offset stored in the general pointer register (in the RU base).</​file>​
 +Aha! So it seems this '​Receive DMA mode' is what allows your rx data to be separate from the rx descriptor. ​ This blurb seems to indicate such functionality is only available on the 82558 and later.
 +So then I looked at how the linux drivers are handling their rx buffers. ​ There are actually two linux drivers for these NICs - eepro100.c and e100.c. ​ The former is what the gPXE driver is based on, the latter is written by Intel.
 +Both linux drivers appear to use the simplified rx mode, and store both the RFD header and rx data within their buffers. ​ Prior to handing off the rx data to the network subsystem, the buffer'​s internal data pointer is adjusted to point at the packet data.
 +Looking at gPXE's io_buffer structure, it appears I can do the same:
 +<code c>
 + * A persistent I/O buffer
 + *
 + * This data structure encapsulates a long-lived I/O buffer. ​ The
 + * buffer may be passed between multiple owners, queued for possible
 + * retransmission,​ etc.
 + */
 +struct io_buffer {
 + /** List of which this buffer is a member
 + *
 + * The list must belong to the current owner of the buffer.
 + * Different owners may maintain different lists (e.g. a
 + * retransmission list for TCP).
 + */
 + struct list_head list;
 + /** Start of the buffer */
 + void *head;
 + /** Start of data */
 + void *data;
 + /** End of data */
 + void *tail;
 + /** End of the buffer */
 +        void *end;
 +I then decided it'd be best to make my planned **formatting changes** //now//, rather than continue to prolong the inevitable changes. ​ Thus, I spent some time making //purely formatting changes//, that is, no changes to what the code actually does changed, except for a few debug statements.
 +The diff probably won't be of use, as it's all different :-)
 +  * [[http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=people/​mdeck/​gpxe.git;​a=commit;​h=b7ff5f923bdc7970839819c48942c22ac79c7454|[Drivers-eepro100] Purely formatting changes. New header. IFEC.]]
 +I removed the description of operation as it's all changing. I'll write in a new description once the final driver operation is set.  IFEC = Intel Fast Ethernet Controller. ​ From what I can find, it seems only these controllers are referred to as Fast Ethernet Controllers by Intel. ​ It's short and simple.
 +=== 15 June ===
 +I rewrote ''​ifec_scb_cmd_wait()''​. ​ Now it returns an error code if the command unit doesn'​t become ready within a timeout interval. ​ The timeout is a configurable ''#​define CU_CMD_TIMEOUT''​. ​ The return code is propagated through ''​ifec_scb_cmd()'',​ so the caller can check that if they want.
 +  * Commit: [[http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=people/​mdeck/​gpxe.git;​a=commit;​h=e629a17b8b74b74a759a5ef4bfe971976837cce3|[Drivers-eepro100] Update ifec_scb_cmd_wait,​ more formatting.]]
 +I rearranged operations in ''​ifec_net_open()'',​ to give a seemingly more logical order. ​ It seems to work the same, I wonder if this makes a difference.
 +  * Commit: [[http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=people/​mdeck/​gpxe.git;​a=commit;​h=c7e921e8b2dba0d40a81cbee32f5dd265b86dae1|[Drivers-eepro100] Rearranged ifec_net_open() operations.]]
 +After the last commit, I considered there may be some nuance to the hardware design that makes the original ordering always work, and the new ordering occasionally fail.  I wouldn'​t notice this for a while.
 +This got me wondering if I should strive to keep the drivers as close to the original Linux version as possible. ​ This could take advantage of any subtle hardware problems that their code has evolved to avert.
 +Although I may just be over-thinking things. One would hope any hardware defects would be clearly identified. Would the Intel engineers releasing open-source drivers for their hardware spell out how they worked around hardware bugs..? ​ I wonder if my work over the past few days hasn't been a waste.
 +I haven'​t spoken to Marty since making these changes, so we'll see what he says.
 +Tomorrow I hope to integrate dynamic allocation for the tx & rx, as well as expand tx to multiple descriptors.

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