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soc:2008:dverkamp:start [2008/05/16 20:58]
drv qemu notes and silly list of dev/test machines
soc:2008:dverkamp:start [2008/06/16 05:45] (current)
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 ====== Daniel Verkamp: COMBOOT Support ====== ====== Daniel Verkamp: COMBOOT Support ======
-===== Development and Testing Environment =====+^ Quick info ^^ 
 +| Timezone | UTC - 4 | 
 +| Work hours | 13:00 - ~21:00 UTC | 
 +| Weekly meeting | Fri 13:00 UTC |
-==== QEMU ====+== Project pages ==
-New option in QEMU 0.9.1:+  * [[.:​journal:​start|Journal]] 
 +  * [[http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=people/​dverkamp/​gpxe.git;​a=summary|Git Repository]] 
 +  * [[.:​project_plan:​start|Project Plan]] 
 +  * [[.:Notes:start|Notes]]
-''​-bootp file     ​advertise file in BOOTP replies''​ 
-Example command (modified contrib/​bochs/​qemu.sh):​ 
-''​qemu -net nic,​model=rtl8139 -net user -boot a -fda ../​../​src/​bin/​rtl8139.pdsk -bootp http://​server/​file.gpxe''​ 
-This way there is no need for TFTP or DHCP servers when testing in QEMU. 
-==== Real Hardware ==== 
-Development machines: 
-  * "​sequoia",​ Pentium 4 2.40 GHz, 1 GB RAM (Gentoo Linux) 
-  * "​maple",​ Athlon X2 4200+, 2 GB RAM (Windows Vista Ultimate 32-bit) 
-Server machine (DHCP, HTTP, TFTP, etc.): 
-  * "​pine",​ Pentium III 1.0 GHz, 256 MB RAM (Gentoo Linux) 
-"​Guinea pig" machines: 
-  * "​tulip",​ Athlon XP 2100+, 768 MB RAM 
-  * "​spruce",​ Pentium II, 256 MB RAM 
-  * Pentium 133 MHz, 16 MB RAM 
-Network cards (PCI): 
-  * 3Com 3C905-TX (3C905-B) 
-  * Linksys LNE100TX (DEC 21140 based) 
-  * SMC EtherPower 10/100 9332DST (DEC 21140 based) 
-  * HP J2585B 10/100vg (not supported by Etherboot/​gPXE;​ ancient :-) ) 

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