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soc:2006:start [2008/05/10 01:13]
soc:2006:start [2008/05/10 01:26] (current)
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 ===== Alan Shieh: UNDI driver for Linux ===== ===== Alan Shieh: UNDI driver for Linux =====
-[[soc:​2006:​alanshieh|Project page]]+[[soc:​2006:​alanshieh:|Project page]]
 ===== Derek Pryor: Secure gPXE Booting ===== ===== Derek Pryor: Secure gPXE Booting =====
-[[soc:​2006:​derekpryor|Project page]]+[[soc:​2006:​derekpryor:|Project page]]
 Derek Pryor worked on adding secure connections and data integrity checking to gPXE so that the network boot process can be trusted. Derek Pryor worked on adding secure connections and data integrity checking to gPXE so that the network boot process can be trusted.
 ===== Nikhil Chandru Rao: Redesign the TCP/IP stack implementation in gPXE to provide support for IPv6 ===== ===== Nikhil Chandru Rao: Redesign the TCP/IP stack implementation in gPXE to provide support for IPv6 =====
-[[soc:​2006:​nikhilcrao|Project page]]+[[soc:​2006:​nikhilcrao:|Project page]]
 Nikhil Chandru Rao worked on adding IPv6 support to gPXE. Nikhil Chandru Rao worked on adding IPv6 support to gPXE.
 ===== Fredrik Hultin: Command Line ===== ===== Fredrik Hultin: Command Line =====
-[[soc:​2006:​fredrikhultin|Project page]]+[[soc:​2006:​fredrikhultin:|Project page]]
 Fredrik Hultin worked on a command-line for gPXE allowing users to interactively control the boot process. Fredrik Hultin worked on a command-line for gPXE allowing users to interactively control the boot process.

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