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soc:2006:nikhilcrao:pictures [2008/05/10 01:36]
stefanha created
soc:2006:nikhilcrao:pictures [2008/05/10 01:37] (current)
Line 3: Line 3:
 The only reason I have thrown in a couple of pictures is to earn some extra credit... [Nahh!!! :)] The only reason I have thrown in a couple of pictures is to earn some extra credit... [Nahh!!! :)]
-{{:​soc:​nikhil:​nikhil.jpg|That'​s me!}}+{{nikhil.jpg|That'​s me!}}
-{{:​soc:​nikhil:​second_love.jpg|My development and testing boxes}}+{{second_love.jpg|My development and testing boxes}}
-{{:​soc:​nikhil:​workspace.jpg|My workspace}}+{{workspace.jpg|My workspace}}

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