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sanboot:winnt_iscsi [2008/02/20 15:17]
mcb30 Direct download links are now available
sanboot:winnt_iscsi [2009/10/29 15:48] (current)
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 ====== Adding iSCSI boot support to Microsoft Windows ====== ====== Adding iSCSI boot support to Microsoft Windows ======
-{{ :​disk.jpeg?​240x186|A disk}} 
 You need to install the Microsoft iSCSI Software Initiator Boot Version. ​ This is **not** the standard Microsoft iSCSI Initiator; you do need the special boot-capable version. ​ At the time of writing, this is available in four versions: You need to install the Microsoft iSCSI Software Initiator Boot Version. ​ This is **not** the standard Microsoft iSCSI Initiator; you do need the special boot-capable version. ​ At the time of writing, this is available in four versions:
-  * [[http://​download.microsoft.com/​download/​9/6/8/968031d1-6e4b-47f3-9faa-cb43825f93f0/​Initiator-2.06-boot-build3497-x86chk.exe|Initiator-2.06-boot-build3497-x86chk.exe]] +  * [[http://​download.microsoft.com/​download/​C/0/3/C0326CE2-51D0-4E1C-A9E0-7E16BE79410B/​CHK-Boot/​Initiator-2.08-boot-build3825-x86chk.exe|Initiator-2.08-boot-build3825-x86chk.exe]] 
-  * [[http://​download.microsoft.com/​download/​9/​6/8/968031d1-6e4b-47f3-9faa-cb43825f93f0/​Initiator-2.06-boot-build3497-x86fre.exe|Initiator-2.06-boot-build3497-x86fre.exe]] + 
-  * [[http://​download.microsoft.com/​download/​9/6/8/968031d1-6e4b-47f3-9faa-cb43825f93f0/​Initiator-2.06-boot-build3497-x64chk.exe|Initiator-2.06-boot-build3497-x64chk.exe]] +  * [[http://​download.microsoft.com/​download/​9/​D/D/9DDCBA19-26D6-4B63-B769-242A3991E4EA/​Fre-Boot/​Initiator-2.08-boot-build3825-x86fre.exe|Initiator-2.08-boot-build3825-x86fre.exe]] 
-  * [[http://​download.microsoft.com/​download/​9/​6/8/968031d1-6e4b-47f3-9faa-cb43825f93f0/​Initiator-2.06-boot-build3497-x64fre.exe|Initiator-2.06-boot-build3497-x64fre.exe]]+ 
 +  * [[http://​download.microsoft.com/​download/​C/0/3/C0326CE2-51D0-4E1C-A9E0-7E16BE79410B/​CHK-Boot/​Initiator-2.08-boot-build3825-x64chk.exe|Initiator-2.08-boot-build3825-x64chk.exe]] 
 +  * [[http://​download.microsoft.com/​download/​9/​D/D/9DDCBA19-26D6-4B63-B769-242A3991E4EA/​Fre-Boot/​Initiator-2.08-boot-build3825-x64fre.exe|Initiator-2.08-boot-build3825-x64fre.exe]]
 You almost certainly want the //-x86chk// version, unless you are running 64-bit Windows (in which case you want the //-x64chk// version). You almost certainly want the //-x86chk// version, unless you are running 64-bit Windows (in which case you want the //-x64chk// version).
-Download and install the boot-capable iSCSI initiator.  ​Reboot ​the system and check that it boots up correctly.+Download and install the boot-capable iSCSI initiator.  ​Do **not** install the optional "​Microsoft MPIO Multipathing Support for iSCSI",​ since this is incompatible with iSCSI boot. 
 +{{ :​screenshots:​winnt_iscsi_no_multipath.png?​503x386 |Deselecting MPIO support}} 
 +If you are presented with the option to "​Configure iSCSI Network Boot Support",​ then you must enable this option and select the network card that will be used for iSCSI boot. 
 +{{ :​screenshots:​winnt_iscsi_boot_nic.png?​503x386 |Selecting boot NIC}} 
 +After installation is complete, reboot ​the system and check that it boots up correctly. 
 +If you are using Windows 2003 or later, and were given the option to "​Configure iSCSI Network Boot Support"​ during installation,​ then you are now ready to: 
 +  * [[:​sanboot:​transfer|Transfer the Microsoft Windows disk image to your iSCSI target]]
-You are now ready to:+If you are using Windows XP, or were not given the option ​to "​Configure iSCSI Network Boot Support"​ during installation,​ then you must now
-  * [[sanboot:transfer|Transfer ​the Microsoft ​Windows ​disk image to your iSCSI target]]+  * [[:sanboot:winnt_sanbootconf|Install ​the Windows ​SAN Boot Configuration Driver]]

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