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sanboot:iscsi_create_via_opensolaris [2007/11/10 17:59]
mcb30 created
sanboot:iscsi_create_via_opensolaris [2007/11/10 18:02] (current)
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         Connections:​ 0         Connections:​ 0
-Make a note of the iSCSI IQN of the newly-created target (//​iqn.1986-03.com.sun:​02:​8ff4de24-303f-46f9-ccb3-f09f22a6edab.my_target//​ in the above example). ​ You are now ready to+Make a note of the iSCSI IQN of the newly-created target (//​iqn.1986-03.com.sun:​02:​8ff4de24-303f-46f9-ccb3-f09f22a6edab.my_target//​ in the above example). ​ You are now ready to:
   * [[sanboot:​iscsi_install|Install to the iSCSI target]]   * [[sanboot:​iscsi_install|Install to the iSCSI target]]

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