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sanboot:gentoo_iscsi [2010/10/26 07:16]
ctr added workaround for "FIXME: Gentoo will not shut down properly"
sanboot:gentoo_iscsi [2010/10/26 07:18] (current)
ctr formating
Line 367: Line 367:
 =====  Gentoo will not shut down properly ​ ===== =====  Gentoo will not shut down properly ​ =====
 Because an iscsi mount is not recognized as netmount (like nfs) by Gentoo, the system will try to shutdown the network interface during normal shutdown/​reboot procedure. This will obviously break the iscsi connection and let the system hang. Because an iscsi mount is not recognized as netmount (like nfs) by Gentoo, the system will try to shutdown the network interface during normal shutdown/​reboot procedure. This will obviously break the iscsi connection and let the system hang.
-To avoid this the following workaround can be used:+ 
 +To avoid this the following workaround can be used
 add (where eth0 is the interface being used for the iscsi connection):​ add (where eth0 is the interface being used for the iscsi connection):​
-/​etc/​init.d/​net.eth0 zap+ 
 +/​etc/​init.d/​net.eth0 zap</​code>​ 
 to /​etc/​init.d/​local.start (or the start section of /​etc/​init.d/​local depending on your baselayout version). to /​etc/​init.d/​local.start (or the start section of /​etc/​init.d/​local depending on your baselayout version).
 Doing so will make Gentoo think eth0 is already down, so it wont try to shut it down on halt. All other init-scripts that depend on net will still be invoked to shut them down cleanly, just eth0 itself wont be stopped. Doing so will make Gentoo think eth0 is already down, so it wont try to shut it down on halt. All other init-scripts that depend on net will still be invoked to shut them down cleanly, just eth0 itself wont be stopped.

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