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sanboot:gentoo_iscsi [2010/01/31 17:25]
owen grammar fixes
sanboot:gentoo_iscsi [2010/10/26 07:18] (current)
ctr formating
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 If you add a hard disk/USB drive/USB stick/etc. to the computer, it will probably take the /dev/sda spot and your iSCSI disk will be moved to /dev/sdb or /dev/sdc, etc. Using filesystem labels will help in this situation. If you add a hard disk/USB drive/USB stick/etc. to the computer, it will probably take the /dev/sda spot and your iSCSI disk will be moved to /dev/sdb or /dev/sdc, etc. Using filesystem labels will help in this situation.
-======  ​FIXME  ====== +=====  ​Gentoo will not shut down properly ​ ​===== 
-Gentoo will not shut down properly.+Because an iscsi mount is not recognized as netmount (like nfs) by Gentoo, the system ​will try to shutdown the network interface during normal shutdown/​reboot procedure. This will obviously break the iscsi connection and let the system hang. 
 +To avoid this the following workaround can be used 
 +add (where eth0 is the interface being used for the iscsi connection):​ 
 +/​etc/​init.d/​net.eth0 zap</​code>​ 
 +to /​etc/​init.d/​local.start (or the start section of /​etc/​init.d/​local depending on your baselayout version). 
 +Doing so will make Gentoo think eth0 is already down, so it wont try to shut it down on halt. All other init-scripts that depend on net will still be invoked to shut them down cleanly, just eth0 itself wont be stopped.

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