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sanboot:debian_lenny_iscsi [2009/11/23 17:21]
sanboot:debian_lenny_iscsi [2009/11/23 17:33] (current)
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 **FIXME I didn't follow this route, but if you do, please put the initramfs script you created here. You can get access to this wiki by asking in the #etherboot IRC channel at irc.freenode.org. Se below for the route I took, and consequently the script i made instead** **FIXME I didn't follow this route, but if you do, please put the initramfs script you created here. You can get access to this wiki by asking in the #etherboot IRC channel at irc.freenode.org. Se below for the route I took, and consequently the script i made instead**
 +**UPDATE I found a patch that probably solves this!**
 +This patch might help: http://​bugs.debian.org/​cgi-bin/​bugreport.cgi?​bug=514924#​4
 ==== Extras: XEN + iSCSI + Lenny + iBFT ==== ==== Extras: XEN + iSCSI + Lenny + iBFT ====

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