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removable [2010/04/21 12:30]
removable [2010/04/21 12:35] (current)
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 You can place gPXE onto a removable medium such as a floppy disk, CD-ROM, or USB key.  This will contain drivers for all supported network cards, and lets you quickly and easily try out gPXE. You can place gPXE onto a removable medium such as a floppy disk, CD-ROM, or USB key.  This will contain drivers for all supported network cards, and lets you quickly and easily try out gPXE.
 +===== Creating Images Using Prebuilt Binaries =====
 +Probably the quickest way to get started using gPXE in a Windows environment is by using the [[http://​rom-o-matic.net/​gpxe/​gpxe-1.0.0/​contrib/​rom-o-matic/​|ROM-o-Matic]] page and downloading some prebuilt images.
 +Use the //pulldown menu// on for **Step 1** and choose:
 +  * Floppy bootable image (.dsk)
 +  * ISO bootable image (.iso)
 +  * USB Keychain disk image (.usb)
 +Then click the //Get Image// Button to download your file.
 +Then you can use a program such as:
 +  * [[http://​www.chrysocome.net/​rawwrite|RawWrite]] for floppy .dsk images
 +  * [[http://​isorecorder.alexfeinman.com/​isorecorder.htm|ISORecorder]] for cdrom .iso images
 +  * [[https://​wiki.ubuntu.com/​Win32DiskImager|Win32DiskImager]] to put the .usb image on a USB key
 +  * If your happy with dd under linux and need a dd for windows you can try [[http://​www.chrysocome.net/​dd|this]]
 +  * Also a nice commercial package is [[http://​www.winimage.com|WinImage]]
 ===== Creating a bootable floppy disk ===== ===== Creating a bootable floppy disk =====
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 where ///​dev/​sdX//​ is your USB key.  Note that this will erase any information currently on the USB key.  Make sure that ///​dev/​sdX//​ really is your USB key, and is **not** your real hard disk! where ///​dev/​sdX//​ is your USB key.  Note that this will erase any information currently on the USB key.  Make sure that ///​dev/​sdX//​ really is your USB key, and is **not** your real hard disk!
-===== Creating Images Using Prebuilt Binaries ===== 
-Probably the quickest way to get started using gPXE in a Windows environment is by using the [[http://​rom-o-matic.net/​gpxe/​gpxe-1.0.0/​contrib/​rom-o-matic/​|ROM-o-Matic]] page and downloading some prebuilt images. 
-Use the //pulldown menu// on for **Step 1** and choose: 
-  * Floppy bootable image (.dsk) 
-  * ISO bootable image (.iso) 
-  * USB Keychain disk image (.usb) 
-Most people can probably use //pulldown menu// on for **Step 2** and choose: 
-  * undionly 
-Then finally click the //Get Image// Button to download your file. 
-Then you can use a program such as: 
-  * [[http://​www.chrysocome.net/​rawwrite|RawWrite]] for floppy .dsk images 
-  * [[http://​isorecorder.alexfeinman.com/​isorecorder.htm|ISORecorder]] for cdrom .iso images 
-  * [[https://​wiki.ubuntu.com/​Win32DiskImager|Win32DiskImager]] to put the .usb image on a USB key 
-  * If your happy with dd under linux and need a dd for windows you can try [[http://​www.chrysocome.net/​dd|this]] 
-  * Also a nice commercial package is [[http://​www.winimage.com|WinImage]] 

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