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relatedlinks [2009/11/27 13:45]
pcervicek 2 links for Network Driver development
relatedlinks [2010/12/01 05:41] (current)
franka book on BIOS disassembly
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   * [[http://​etherboot.sourceforge.net/​bull/​|Booting the Bull Netstation]]   * [[http://​etherboot.sourceforge.net/​bull/​|Booting the Bull Netstation]]
-  * [[doc/​html/​sshterminal/​t1.html|Serving SSH sessions]] shows how to configure a (possibly diskless) Linux/Unix host so that users can directly ssh to a remote hosts from the login prompt.+  * [[http://​etherboot.sourceforge.net/​doc/​html/​sshterminal/​t1.html|Serving SSH sessions]] shows how to configure a (possibly diskless) Linux/Unix host so that users can directly ssh to a remote hosts from the login prompt.
-  * [[mailto:​jeanmarc.lacroix@free.fr|Jean Marc Lacroix]] provided the [[bin2intelhex.c|source code]] for a filter that translates from binary image format to Intel'​s HEX format. You need this tool if the software that came with your EPROM burner does not support raw image files.+  * [[mailto:​jeanmarc.lacroix@free.fr|Jean Marc Lacroix]] provided the [[http://​etherboot.org/​bin2intelhex.c|source code]] for a filter that translates from binary image format to Intel'​s HEX format. You need this tool if the software that came with your EPROM burner does not support raw image files.
   * Steve Flynn wrote a small [[http://​thelight.mine.nu:​2580/​~freescosoft/​0.2.7/​lpdsrv.tgz|LPR daemon]].   * Steve Flynn wrote a small [[http://​thelight.mine.nu:​2580/​~freescosoft/​0.2.7/​lpdsrv.tgz|LPR daemon]].
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   * Alexander writes: I have no relation to the links above except that I read that pages. I'm not involved in any of those projects. I wired the "IDE Flasher"​ circuit on a prototype board within 8 hours, and it simply works. No trouble. I took the 32pin to 28pin adapter from the "​Pannenhelfer"​ page to put 32pin-EEPROMs into the 28pin sockets of my network cards. And of course, the EEPROMS contain Etherboot.   * Alexander writes: I have no relation to the links above except that I read that pages. I'm not involved in any of those projects. I wired the "IDE Flasher"​ circuit on a prototype board within 8 hours, and it simply works. No trouble. I took the 32pin to 28pin adapter from the "​Pannenhelfer"​ page to put 32pin-EEPROMs into the 28pin sockets of my network cards. And of course, the EEPROMS contain Etherboot.
-  * [[http://​lwn.net/​Kernel/​LDD3/​|Linux Device Drivers, Third Edition]] especially chapter 17 for "​Network Drivers"​+  * [[http://​lwn.net/​Kernel/​LDD3/​|Linux Device Drivers, Third Edition]] especially ​[[http://​lwn.net/​images/​pdf/​LDD3/​ch17.pdf|chapter 17]] for "​Network Drivers"​ 
 +    * The [[http://​www.cs.fsu.edu/​~baker/​devices/​notes/​|Course from Ted P. Baker]] is geared to this book. Have a look for his comprehension at [[http://​www.cs.fsu.edu/​~baker/​devices/​notes/​ch17.html|chapter 17]] for Network Drivers which discusses //e100.c// a little bit.
   * [[http://​oreilly.com/​catalog/​understandlni/​|Understanding Linux Network Internals, O'​Reilly]]   * [[http://​oreilly.com/​catalog/​understandlni/​|Understanding Linux Network Internals, O'​Reilly]]
 +  * [[http://​tldp.org/​LDP/​lkmpg/​2.6/​|The Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide]]
 +  * D. [[http://​sites.google.com/​site/​pinczakko/​low-cost-embedded-x86-teaching-tool-2|Salihun'​s]] book: [[http://​www.amazon.com/​BIOS-Disassembly-Ninjutsu-Uncovered/​dp/​1931769605/​ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top|BIOS Disassembly Ninjutsu Uncovered]]

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