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realtek8139roms [2006/06/25 06:02]
stockholm created, using info from the old wiki
realtek8139roms [2010/12/01 05:28] (current)
franka 128 KByte success report with 8139
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 - burning the file to the first 32 kB (worked for A. Hoffmeister on some cards) - burning the file to the first 32 kB (worked for A. Hoffmeister on some cards)
 - burning the file to the last 32 kB - burning the file to the last 32 kB
 +Current "El Cheapo"​ RTL-8139 [[http://​www.heise.de/​preisvergleich/?​cat=nwp&​xf=1030_Realtek~988_BootRom|NICs]] with 32 pin bootprom for sale, such as  [[http://​www.longshine.de/​longshine/​p_100mbit.php?​lang=ger|LCS-8038TXR7]]
 +64 KByte with 32 pin DIL chip, 5 Volt, [[http://​de.futureelectronics.com/​de/​technologies/​semiconductors/​memory/​flash/​nor/​Seiten/​3764149-SST39SF040-70-4C-PHE.aspx|supported]] by  [[http://​www.realtek.com.tw/​downloads/​downloadsView.aspx?​Langid=1&​PNid=6&​PFid=6&​Level=5&​Conn=4&​DownTypeID=3&​GetDown=false&​SortByDesc=0|RTLflash.exe]] v1.5 . 128 KByte chips are difficult (yet [[http://​pksato.blogspot.com/​2009/​02/​gravando-uma-perom.html|possible]]) with some mainboards/​NICs/​drivers (128 KByte is **total max.** option rom size already!), so starting with 64 KByte or 32 KByte EEPROMs is easier.
 +32 pin [[http://​parts.digikey.ca/​1/​1/​10206-32-pin-zif-socket-tin-32-6554-10.html|ZIF socket]] for repeated flashing with the NIC.
 +For self patching BIOS routine read [[http://​sites.google.com/​site/​pinczakko/​pinczakko-s-guide-to-self-patching-expansion-rom-source-code|Mr Salihun]].

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