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pxe2ndstage [2006/06/14 04:39]
stockholm created from old wiki UsingPXE page
pxe2ndstage [2007/03/17 09:23] (current)
mdc Fix PXE link to LTSP site
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 === How can I use Etherboot as a 2nd-stage-loader? ​ === === How can I use Etherboot as a 2nd-stage-loader? ​ ===
-You may want to look into [[http://www.ltsp.org/documentation/pxe.howto.html]]+You may want to look into [[http://wiki.ltsp.org/twiki/bin/​view/​Ltsp/​PXE]].
- +
-This is Marty Connor'​s excellent detailed description of how to use Etherboot as a PXE NBP which describes how to configure your dhcp daemon to hand out different filenames (once for PXE the address of a PXE 2nd stage loader aka the etherboot.zpxe file; second for etherboot: Which image to download etc). It is intended that better documentation will migrate here.+
 Information about using PXE with the PXELinux NBP can be found at [[http://​www.ltsp.org/​README.pxe]]. Information about using PXE with the PXELinux NBP can be found at [[http://​www.ltsp.org/​README.pxe]].

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