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 ====== Links ====== ====== Links ======
-  * [[https://​dev.openwrt.org/​changeset/​12960 Dev.openwrt.org:​ Ucified PXE-Boot options for dnsmasq]] +  * [[https://​dev.openwrt.org/​changeset/​12960|Dev.openwrt.org:​ Ucified PXE-Boot options for dnsmasq]] 
-  * [[http://​forum.openwrt.org/​viewtopic.php?​pid=74620 OpenWRT forum: Preparing for PXE boot using dnsmasq]]+  * [[http://​forum.openwrt.org/​viewtopic.php?​pid=74620|OpenWRT forum: Preparing for PXE boot using dnsmasq]]

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