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openwrt [2008/09/10 17:28]
zoobab created
openwrt [2008/10/13 05:56] (current)
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-Create an appliance running OpenWRT serving gpxelinux.0.+====== ​Create an appliance running OpenWRT serving gpxelinux.0 ​======
-Make an HOWTO here with the example of a fonera.+Edit the file /​etc/​init.d/​dnsmasq to add the right location and arguments:​ 
 +  start() { 
 +    include /​lib/​network 
 +    scan_interfaces 
 +    config_load /​var/​state/​network 
 +    config_load dhcp 
 +  #      args=""​ 
 +    args=" --enable-tftp --tftp-root=/​mnt/​usbdrive --dhcp-boot=/​mnt/​usbdrive/​pxelinux.0"​ 
 +Then type the following commands on the command line: 
 +  root@OpenWrt:​~#​ uci set dhcp.dnsmasq.enable_tftp=1 
 +  root@OpenWrt:​~#​ uci set dhcp.dnsmasq.tftp_root=/​mnt/​usbdrive 
 +  root@OpenWrt:​~#​ uci set dhcp.dnsmasq.dhcp_boot=/​mnt/​usbdrive/​pxelinux.0 
 +  root@OpenWrt:​~#​ uci commit dhcp 
 +  root@OpenWrt:​~#​ /​etc/​init.d/​dnsmasq restart 
 +====== Todo ====== 
 +  * Rewrite this howto with more precision (step by step) 
 +  * Provide a binary version of pxelinux.0 
 +  * Mention which version of Kamikaze was used 
 +  * Make an ipk package ​with gpxelinux.0 inside 
 +====== Links ====== 
 +  * [[https://​dev.openwrt.org/​changeset/​12960|Dev.openwrt.org:​ Ucified PXE-Boot options for dnsmasq]] 
 +  * [[http://​forum.openwrt.org/​viewtopic.php?​pid=74620|OpenWRT forum: Preparing for PXE boot using dnsmasq]]

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