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isolinux [2010/09/03 05:11]
isolinux [2010/09/06 08:41] (current)
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 First, you need to put all the files you want to burn to the CD into a folder. You can make it wherever you like, but for this howto, I'll assume that its in ~/​filesToBurn First, you need to put all the files you want to burn to the CD into a folder. You can make it wherever you like, but for this howto, I'll assume that its in ~/​filesToBurn
-Next, you need an isolinux.cfg file in the root of the folder. Here's a command to write a simple configuration;​ consult the SYSLINUX ​website ​if you want something more complex:+Next, you need an isolinux.cfg file in the root of the folder. Here's a command to write a simple configuration;​ consult the SYSLINUX ​documentation ​if you want something more complex:
 <​code>​cat > ~/​filesToBurn/​isolinux.cfg << EOF <​code>​cat > ~/​filesToBurn/​isolinux.cfg << EOF
 default gpxe default gpxe
Line 36: Line 36:
 <​code>​genisoimage -o gPXEimage.iso -b isolinux.bin -no-emul-boot \ <​code>​genisoimage -o gPXEimage.iso -b isolinux.bin -no-emul-boot \
 -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -J ~/​filesToBurn/</​code>​ -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -J ~/​filesToBurn/</​code>​
-If that doesn'​t work, try substituting genisoimage for mkisofs+If that doesn'​t work, try substituting genisoimage for mkisofs
 +If you aren't planning on using the disk on a windows machine, feel free to use the "​-r"​ flag rather than "​-J"​
 You should now have an iso image gPXEimage.iso in the current directory, which you can write to a disk using your favourite CD-burning software. You should then be able to both boot gPXE and read files from the CD. You should now have an iso image gPXEimage.iso in the current directory, which you can write to a disk using your favourite CD-burning software. You should then be able to both boot gPXE and read files from the CD.

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