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iscsiboot [2006/12/11 06:44]
iscsiboot [2006/12/11 06:47] (current)
Line 57: Line 57:
   filename "";​   filename "";​
-  option root-path "​iscsi:​​iqn.2006-09.com.example:​storage";​+  option root-path "​iscsi:​​iqn.2006-09.com.example.myhost:​storage";​
 where ''​''​ is the IP address of your iSCSI target, and ''​iqn.2006-09.com.example.myhost:​storage''​ is the target name. where ''​''​ is the IP address of your iSCSI target, and ''​iqn.2006-09.com.example.myhost:​storage''​ is the target name.

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