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ibft [2006/09/09 13:07]
mcb30 Added README file
ibft [2009/11/21 15:54] (current)
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 ====== iSCSI Boot Firmware Table utilities ====== ====== iSCSI Boot Firmware Table utilities ======
 +===== Overview =====
 This package provides utilities for parsing and utilising the This package provides utilities for parsing and utilising the
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 the iSCSI target before proceeding with the rest of the boot.  This the iSCSI target before proceeding with the rest of the boot.  This
 enables booting Linux disklessly from an iSCSI target. enables booting Linux disklessly from an iSCSI target.
 +===== Downloading =====
 +You can obtain ibft from http://​sourceforge.net/​projects/​ibft/​files/​
 +'''​NOTE:​ Many of the files on the sourceforge page are only 64 byte long text files with the following message: "​Purging old copies from any sites that might mirror SourceForge"​.'''​ No other information is available. You may find the SRPM and RPM packages further down the page to be usefull nonetheless.
 +===== Contact =====
 +Please ask any questions on the etherboot-discuss mailing list at <​etherboot-discuss@lists.sourceforge.net>​

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