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hardwareissues [2010/10/14 04:26]
dali Broadcom 57711
hardwareissues [2010/11/13 14:14] (current)
tal.aloni fixed typo
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 After installing Microsoft iSCSI Boot initiator and executing sanbootconf (and thus making sure the NVENETFD service is started at boot) booting the image over iSCSI will result in BSOD (0x0000007b). This happens even though the NVENETFD service is loaded during boot. After installing Microsoft iSCSI Boot initiator and executing sanbootconf (and thus making sure the NVENETFD service is started at boot) booting the image over iSCSI will result in BSOD (0x0000007b). This happens even though the NVENETFD service is loaded during boot.
-This is tested on Windows XP x64.+This was tested on Windows XP x64.
 ==== Symptoms (AOE) ==== ==== Symptoms (AOE) ====

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