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git-usage [2011/03/26 08:47]
genec [Git Commands]
git-usage [2011/03/26 13:33] (current)
genec [Public repo: other] github fork
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 ==== Public repo: other ==== ==== Public repo: other ====
 Several other sites offer a place to store a free public git repository. ​ Two such sites are [[http://​github.com|GitHub]] and [[http://​repo.or.cz|repo.or.cz]]. Several other sites offer a place to store a free public git repository. ​ Two such sites are [[http://​github.com|GitHub]] and [[http://​repo.or.cz|repo.or.cz]].
 +  * http://​help.github.com/​fork-a-repo/​ has an example of forking a repo to your own.
 ===== Example workflow ===== ===== Example workflow =====

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