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elf-ebi-initramfs-lnxi-howto:the_kernel [2009/04/29 12:06]
elf-ebi-initramfs-lnxi-howto:the_kernel [2009/05/01 08:48] (current)
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- The whole idea behind this kernel, is **supposed** to be small and mostly **modular**. ​ Remember, you are along for a learning ride, so until further notice, these kernel configs will lack any real modular taste and be anything but small. As time goes on, I plan to tweak until I have the other end of the spectrum, a really small setup.  Just STAY TUNED.\\+ The whole idea behind this kernel, is **supposed** to be small and mostly **modular**. ​ Remember, you are along for a learning ride, so until further notice, these kernel configs will lack any real modular taste and be anything but small. As time goes on, I plan to tweak until I have the other end of the spectrum, a really small setup.\\
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 [[elf-ebi-initramfs-lnxi-howto/​the_kernel/​.config]] This is my current kernel config for that **boots**.\\ [[elf-ebi-initramfs-lnxi-howto/​the_kernel/​.config]] This is my current kernel config for that **boots**.\\

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