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eb_imagetypes [2007/04/07 03:21]
eb_imagetypes [2007/04/07 04:00] (current)
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    ​syslinux /dev/sda1    ​syslinux /dev/sda1
-  * create ​directory to mount the device+  * Mount the device and copy over required //​networkcard.zlilo//​ file and corresponding //​syslinux.cfg//​ [[eb_imagetypes#​Using lilo on a floppy|just as in diskette boot]]. ​ There will now be three files on the flash device
-   ​mkdir ​/flash+  root@shark(/flash)# ls 
 +  ldlinux.sys ​ r8169.zli ​ syslinux.cfg
-  ​* mount it+  ​root@shark(/​flash)#​ cat syslinux.cfg 
 +  default r8169.zli
-   mount -t msdos /dev/sda1 /flash+  * Unmount the device, shutdown and reboot from the network.
-  * copy over required //​networkcard.zlilo//​ file and corresponding //syslinux.sys//+ ===== USB Flash EtherBoot - ZIP drive geometry ===== 
 +An older machine may insist on a geometry which appears to your BIOS as a standard ZIP drive having 64 heads and 32 sectors per track. ​ The number of cylinders depends on the capacity of the drive. ​ A ZIP drive boots from partition 4.
-  ​root@shark(/​flash)# ls +  ​* Use the mkdiskimage script from SYSLINUX to create a blank DOS-formatted image on your flash key, letting mkdiskimage work out the size of the device.  ​This may take a little while to complete.
-  ldlinux.sys ​ r8169.zli  syslinux.sys+
 +  mkdiskimage -4 /dev/sda 0 64 32
-===== USB Flash key - ZIP DRIVE geometry ===== +  * Install SYSLINUX onto the key.
-A standard zip drive appears to your BIOS as having 64 heads and 32 sectors per track. ​ The number of cylinders depends on the capacity of the drive. ​ A zip drive insists on booting from partition 4.+
-  ​*Use the mkdiskimage script from SYSLINUX to create a blank DOS-formatted image on your flash key, letting mkdiskimage work out the size of the device. ​ This may take a little while to complete.+  ​syslinux /dev/sda4
-  ​mkdiskimage -4 /dev/sda 0 64 32+  ​* Mount /dev/sda4 and copy over required //​networkcard.zlilo//​ file and corresponding //​syslinux.cfg//​ [[eb_imagetypes#​Using lilo on a floppy|just as in a diskette boot]]
-  *Install syslinux onto the key. +  * Unmount ​the device, shutdown and reboot from the network.
- +
-  syslinux /dev/sda4+
-Finally, use the Etherboot ''​networkcard.zlilo''​ file in place of the Linux kernel, /dev/sda4 in place of the diskette device and follow these    [[http://​www.etherboot.org/​wiki/​eb_imagetypes#​lilogrubsyslinux_files_.zlilo|instructions]] 
-above so that syslinux will load Etherboot. 
 More recipies can be found [[http://​www.beezmo.com/​FloobyDustDir/​FDKnoppixUsbDir/​FDKnoppixUsb.htm|here]],​ with another source of information [[http://​www.freesoftwaremagazine.com/​articles/​grub_intro|here]]. More recipies can be found [[http://​www.beezmo.com/​FloobyDustDir/​FDKnoppixUsbDir/​FDKnoppixUsb.htm|here]],​ with another source of information [[http://​www.freesoftwaremagazine.com/​articles/​grub_intro|here]].

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