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doc [2009/10/17 03:27]
doc [2010/06/09 14:08] (current)
kylek not sure if this is proper place for it but what the heck
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 +====== Documentation for gPXE ======
 +===== General Documentation =====
 +  * [[gpxe_imagetypes|gPXE Image types]]: explanation on types of images cranked out by make or r-o-m
 +===== Source Code Documentation =====
 +Many parts of the gPXE code-base include commenting for use with the Doxygen system. ​ To build this documentation for browsing, go into gPXE src/ directory and do
 +  make doc
 +You will then have the documentation available in your gpxe/​src/​bin/​doc/​ directory.
 +A sample build is available [[http://​etherboot.org/​api/​modules.html|here]].
 ====== Documentation for Etherboot ====== ====== Documentation for Etherboot ======
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 ===== Developer Information ===== ===== Developer Information =====
- +=== Driver APIs ===
-  * [[dev:​devmanual|A somewhat dated Etherboot Developers'​ manual]] (does not cover recent versions of Etherboot, or gPXE) +
-  * [[dev:​todo|A Developer To-Do List]] +
   * [[dev:​netdriverapi|gPXE Network Driver API]]   * [[dev:​netdriverapi|gPXE Network Driver API]]
 +  * [[:​soc:​2008:​mdeck:​notes:​gpxe_driver_api|PCI,​ network driver, and non-volatile storage APIs]]
 +=== Debugging ===
   * [[dev:​gdbstub|GDB remote debugging]]   * [[dev:​gdbstub|GDB remote debugging]]
   * [[dev:​prefixdebugging|Prefix debugging]]   * [[dev:​prefixdebugging|Prefix debugging]]
 +  * [[dev:​fnrec|Function recorder for crash/hang debugging]]
 +=== Old stuff ===
 +  * [[dev:​devmanual|A somewhat dated Etherboot Developers'​ manual]] (does not cover recent versions of Etherboot, or gPXE)
 +  * [[dev:​todo|A Developer To-Do List]]

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