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doc:codeviz [2008/11/18 18:57]
doc:codeviz [2008/11/19 08:25] (current)
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 {{:​doc:​rtl8169_process_rx_packets.png?​800|call graph example}} {{:​doc:​rtl8169_process_rx_packets.png?​800|call graph example}}
 +The function name is in the rectangular box on the left, and all the functions that are called flow to the right. ​ I have limited the display to 3 levels of depth for presentation purposes.
 ===== Installation Procedure ===== ===== Installation Procedure =====
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 ===== Creating nice call graphs ===== ===== Creating nice call graphs =====
-To make a nice call graph of ''​rtl_open ​for instance'',​ we can do:+To make a nice call graph of ''​rtl8169_poll ​for instance'',​ we can do:
   $ gengraph -f rtl8169_poll -d 3 output-font=Arial --output-layout LR --plain   $ gengraph -f rtl8169_poll -d 3 output-font=Arial --output-layout LR --plain
-This does a call graph of the function ​rtl8169_open, depth 3, left-to-right orientation,​ and requests that output be saved for input to the ''​dot''​ program.+This does a call graph of the function ​rtl8169_poll, depth 3, left-to-right orientation,​ and requests that output be saved for input to the ''​dot''​ program.
 ''​dot''​ is the program that renders the outupt from gengraph: ''​dot''​ is the program that renders the outupt from gengraph:
-  $ dot -Gcenter=-Gsize=11,8.5 -Gmargin=.333 -Tps -o rtl8169_poll.ps < rtl8169_poll.plain ​+  $ dot -GPAPERSIZE=letter ​-Gsize=8,10.5 -Gcenter=1 ​-Gmargin=.25 -Tps -o rtl8169_poll.ps < rtl8169_poll.plain ​
-''​dot'' ​draw the call graph according to the instructions in the ''​.plain''​ file, and outputs a file in whatever -T says (postscript in this case. png is also popular).+''​dot'' ​draws the call graph according to the instructions in the ''​.plain''​ file, and outputs a file in whatever -T says (postscript in this case. png is also popular).
 We can also request a ''​.pdf''​ be created from the ''​.ps''​ file using ''​ps2pdf'':​ We can also request a ''​.pdf''​ be created from the ''​.ps''​ file using ''​ps2pdf'':​
-  $ ps2pdf ​rtl_poll.ps+  $ ps2pdf ​rtl8169_poll.ps 
 ===== Automating the process ===== ===== Automating the process =====

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