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dev:gdbstub [2010/03/28 21:27]
stefanha Remove "Getting Help" section
dev:gdbstub [2010/03/28 21:27] (current)
Line 169: Line 169:
 ===== GDB documentation ===== ===== GDB documentation =====
-  * [[http://​sourceware.org/​gdb/​current/​onlinedocs/​gdb_toc.html|Debugging with GDB (official manual)]]+  * [[http://​sourceware.org/​gdb/​current/​onlinedocs/​gdb/index.html|Debugging with GDB (official manual)]]
   * [[http://​darkdust.net/​files/​GDB%20Cheat%20Sheet.pdf|A cheatsheet]],​ note that there are several others [[http://​google.com/​search?​q=gdb+cheat+sheet|available]].   * [[http://​darkdust.net/​files/​GDB%20Cheat%20Sheet.pdf|A cheatsheet]],​ note that there are several others [[http://​google.com/​search?​q=gdb+cheat+sheet|available]].

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