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contributing [2008/06/07 11:03]
contributing [2009/11/28 12:35] (current)
pcervicek link to bugtracker updated
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   * Improve the documentation. Edit the wiki or send us changes if you feel something is missing or can be improved.   * Improve the documentation. Edit the wiki or send us changes if you feel something is missing or can be improved.
-  * Try different variations on configurations and software. Send us the documentation or a link to your Web page when you have succeeded, of course. Here is a [[http://​www.etherboot.org/​todo.html|list]] of things that have been suggested if you want some ideas.+  * Try different variations on configurations and software. Send us the documentation or a link to your Web page when you have succeeded, of course.
   * Spread the word about network booting wherever you see a situation which could use the technique.   * Spread the word about network booting wherever you see a situation which could use the technique.
   * Write articles about your experiences with applications of netbooting for conferences,​ journals or e-zines.   * Write articles about your experiences with applications of netbooting for conferences,​ journals or e-zines.
   * Contribute any related software which can be put into ''​contrib/''​.   * Contribute any related software which can be put into ''​contrib/''​.
-  * Write drivers for more cards. See the [[http://​etherboot.org/​doc/html/devman/t1.html|Developers Manual]] for instructions.+  * Write drivers for more cards. See the [[http://​etherboot.org/​wiki/dev/netdriverapi|here]] and [[http://etherboot.org/​wiki/​soc/​2008/​mdeck/​notes/​gpxe_driver_api|here]] for API documentation. r8169.c is a good example driver
   * Offer to make EPROMs for people needing them   * Offer to make EPROMs for people needing them
 +  * Help us close some open tickets in the [[http://​support.etherboot.org/​|bugtracker]] 
 +  * Develop useful features and submit patches to the developers'​ mailing list. It will certainly help to be familiar with [[http://​www.etherboot.org/​wiki/​staging|Staging]] to understand the review and merge process.

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