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concepts [2009/01/07 16:54]
concepts [2010/11/05 06:19] (current)
genec COM32: What works
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 |gPXE Script| | |gPXE Script| |
 |Linux bzImage (Kernel)| | |Linux bzImage (Kernel)| |
-|COMBOOT/COMBOOT32| |+|COMBOOT/COM32Not COM32R (Syslinux v4.00+); Use Syslinux 3.86 |
 |EFI|Only Applicable on EFI Platform| |EFI|Only Applicable on EFI Platform|
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 ====== gPXE Formats ====== ====== gPXE Formats ======
 ===== The Prefix ===== ===== The Prefix =====
-In order to allow a variety of methods for loading and running gPXE, the core of the program is prefixed by another program which is specific to a particular booting scenario or bootable media. ​ These different ​prefii ​are:+In order to allow a variety of methods for loading and running gPXE, the core of the program is prefixed by another program which is specific to a particular booting scenario or bootable media. ​ These different ​prefices ​are:
 |ROM|For flashing gPXE onto a chip or as a loadable module from BIOS| |ROM|For flashing gPXE onto a chip or as a loadable module from BIOS|
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 ===== The Drivers ===== ===== The Drivers =====
-When gPXE is compiled, it contains ​drivers ​or notTODO+gPXE can be compiled ​to contain network interface ​drivers ​in three different ways: 
 +|A Single Network Interface Driver|make bin/​eepro100.lkrn;​ make bin/​VVVVDDDD.lkrn| 
 +|All Network Interface Drivers|make bin/​gpxe.lkrn| 
 +|A Single Driver that Uses the Network Interface'​s Built-In UNDI|make bin/​undionly.lkrn| 

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