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 ===== Etherboot Links ===== ===== Etherboot Links =====
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 [[http://​www.proex-india.com|Proex Solutions Pvt. Ltd.]] of Pune, India, provides Linux solutions with Diskless Linux Boxes and Network Cards for Corporates, NGOs, and Schools. [[http://​www.proex-india.com|Proex Solutions Pvt. Ltd.]] of Pune, India, provides Linux solutions with Diskless Linux Boxes and Network Cards for Corporates, NGOs, and Schools.
-[[http://​www.codot.net|Audax]] ​provides ​thin client workstations and boot ROMs based upon Etherboot. ​They can build thin clients with bootable LAN cards or just supply the LAN card with ROM.+[[http://​www.asql.co.uk|Audax]] ​in UK supplies ​thin client workstations and boot ROMs based upon Etherboot. ​We build thin clients with bootable LAN cards or just supply the LAN card with ROM.
 [[http://​www.inprimis.com/​|Inprimis Technologies]] is a contract engineering house that specialises in set-top boxes. They use Etherboot in-house. [[http://​www.inprimis.com/​|Inprimis Technologies]] is a contract engineering house that specialises in set-top boxes. They use Etherboot in-house.

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