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appnotes [2009/10/29 15:14]
appnotes [2010/04/12 08:31] (current)
rulerof Added appnotes:gpxeonvmware
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   * [[:​appnotes:​pxelinux_tftp_to_http_migration|PXELINUX/​TFTP to gPXE/HTTP]] - Seemless Migration from TFTP/​PXELINUX to HTTP/gPXE   * [[:​appnotes:​pxelinux_tftp_to_http_migration|PXELINUX/​TFTP to gPXE/HTTP]] - Seemless Migration from TFTP/​PXELINUX to HTTP/gPXE
-  * [[:​appnotes:​san_transfer]] - Notes and alternative methods for transferring disk images to a SAN target+  * [[:​appnotes:​san_transfer|SAN image transfer]] - Notes and alternative methods for transferring disk images to a SAN target
 +  * [[:​appnotes:​srp_install|SRP installation]] - Installing Windows Server 2008 directly to an SRP SAN target
 +  * [[:​appnotes:​bootbymacaddress|Boot by MAC Address]] - Network booting using MAC address to specify operating system image
 +  * [[:​appnotes:​gpxeonqemu091|Using gPXE 1.0.0 with qemu-0.9.1]] - Patches for getting gPXE to work nicely with qemu-0.9.1
 +  * [[:​appnotes:​gpxeonvmware|gPXE on VMWare]] - Adding a gPXE ROM directly to a VMWare virtual machine.

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