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appnotes:srp_install [2009/11/17 20:16]
mcb30 Reverting to instructions involving peimg
appnotes:srp_install [2010/04/20 14:10] (current)
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 ====== Installing Windows to an SRP target ====== ====== Installing Windows to an SRP target ======
-You can create customised Windows Server 2008 installation media that will allow you to install Windows directly to your SRP SAN target. ​ (You cannot do this using the standard installation DVD-ROM; you must customise ​it first.)+You can create customised Windows Server 2008 installation media that will allow you to install Windows directly to your SRP((**SCSI RDMA Protocol** (SRP) improves the read performance in terms of throughput which is increased significantly for both random read with good locality and sequential read.\\ **Remote Direct Memory Access** (RDMA) is a direct memory access from the memory of one computer into that of another without involving either one's operating system.)) ​SAN target. ​ (You cannot do this using the standard installation DVD-ROM; you must customize ​it first.)
 ===== Install the Windows AIK ===== ===== Install the Windows AIK =====

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