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appnotes:san_transfer [2009/10/29 15:16]
appnotes:san_transfer [2009/12/12 00:47] (current)
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-When using ImageX or copy to transfer ​the drive content ​to the iSCSI target, you'll have to update the BCD store (for the new partition).+When using ImageX or copy to transfer ​a volume containing Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows Server 2008 to the iSCSI target, you'll have to update the BCD store (for the new partition).
 The recommended method is to transfer all the files to the new drive (on the Microsoft iSCSI Target), and before marking the drive as active, boot to it, fall back to WinPE from PXE / DVD, and execute the following commands: The recommended method is to transfer all the files to the new drive (on the Microsoft iSCSI Target), and before marking the drive as active, boot to it, fall back to WinPE from PXE / DVD, and execute the following commands:
 <​code>​ <​code>​

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