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aoe [2007/03/15 12:46]
aoe [2007/03/15 13:57] (current)
borg_number_one AoE applications for Linux
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 <​file>​EtherBoot with AoE support provides in-depth hard disk environment and loads the Operating System from the harddisk from the AoE Server.</​file>​ <​file>​EtherBoot with AoE support provides in-depth hard disk environment and loads the Operating System from the harddisk from the AoE Server.</​file>​
 ====== AoE server applications for Linux/Unix ====== ====== AoE server applications for Linux/Unix ======
 +  * [[http://​lpk.com.price.ru/​~lelik/​AoE/​|Vblade Linux kernel module by Lelik P. Korchagin]]
 +  * [[http://​sourceforge.net/​projects/​aoetools/​|vblade ( virtual EtherDrive (R) blade ) and ATA over Ethernet Tools]]
 ====== AoE server applications for Windows/DOS ====== ====== AoE server applications for Windows/DOS ======

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