====== Codeviz installation ======
===== Background =====
When trying to understand what code does, it is often useful to create a graphical representation that shows how functions call each other. This kind of representation is often called a //call graph//.
Codeviz is a tool that helps create call graphs.
===== Author's Website =====
I downloaded codeviz from this website: http://www.csn.ul.ie/~mel/projects/codeviz/
===== Example call graph =====
Here is an example of a call graph for a function in gPXE:
{{:doc:rtl8169_process_rx_packets.png?800|call graph example}}
The function name is in the rectangular box on the left, and all the functions that are called flow to the right. I have limited the display to 3 levels of depth for presentation purposes.
===== Installation Procedure =====
# Make sure we have graphviz and ncftp
$ rpm -q graphviz ncftp
# Fetch if needed
$ sudo yum install graphviz ncftp
$ wget http://www.csn.ul.ie/~mel/projects/codeviz/codeviz-1.0.11.tar.gz
$ tar -xf codeviz-1.0.11.tar.gz
$ cd codeviz-1.0.11
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install
The ''make'' command above downloads and builds gcc-3.4.6 from ''ftp.gnu.org''.
It also installs ''genfull'' and ''gengraph'' in ''/usr/local/bin''.
===== Configuring for gPXE =====
To configure for gPXE you need to edit this line in src/Makefile.housekeeping:
PRECIOUS : $(BIN)/%.tmp
to be:
PRECIOUS : $(BIN)/%.tmp $(BIN)/%.cdepn
This causes .cdepn (C dependency) files to be kept.
===== Creating the .cdepn (C Dependency) files =====
First we get gccgraph to compile all the C files in gPXE. This is not too hard:
$ cd gpxe.git/src
$ make veryclean
$ make CC=/usr/local/gccgraph/bin/gcc blib
This will generate a .cdepn file for each .c file compiled. To see where they are do:
$ find . -name "*.cdepn"
Next we build the dependency database:
$ genfull
This creates the file ''full.graph'' in the current directory.
===== Creating nice call graphs =====
To make a nice call graph of ''rtl8169_poll for instance'', we can do:
$ gengraph -f rtl8169_poll -d 3 output-font=Arial --output-layout LR --plain
This does a call graph of the function rtl8169_poll, depth 3, left-to-right orientation, and requests that output be saved for input to the ''dot'' program.
''dot'' is the program that renders the outupt from gengraph:
$ dot -GPAPERSIZE=letter -Gsize=8,10.5 -Gcenter=1 -Gmargin=.25 -Tps -o rtl8169_poll.ps < rtl8169_poll.plain
''dot'' draws the call graph according to the instructions in the ''.plain'' file, and outputs a file in whatever -T says (postscript in this case. png is also popular).
We can also request a ''.pdf'' be created from the ''.ps'' file using ''ps2pdf'':
$ ps2pdf rtl8169_poll.ps
===== Automating the process =====
The three commands can be wrapped in a shell script command called ''mkcg'' such as:
gengraph -f ${1} -d 3 output-font=Arial --output-layout LR --plain
dot -GPAPERSIZE=letter -Gsize=8,10.5 -Gcenter=1 -Gmargin=.25 -Tps -o ${1}.ps < ${1}.plain
ps2pdf ${1}.ps
rm ${1}.{ps,plain}
This makes the process of creating the ''.pdf'' a single command:
$ mkcg rtl8169_poll
===== Combining pdf pages into one file =====
Ghostscript can combine separate PDF pages into a single file:
$ gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=gpxe-call-graphs.pdf gpxe-api-call-graphs/*.pdf